Our Lady of Victory


Our Lady of Victory School was established in 1940 to serve the parish which was established in 1911.  Originally, the school consisted of five classrooms and a parish hall.  It was staffed by four Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, and enrolled 188 students.  In 1947, additional classrooms were acquired and the enrollment grew to 418.  The school continued to grow, adding additional classrooms until 1964, when the student enrollment numbered 800.  In the late 60’s the number of classrooms was reduced as enrollment fell to 385 in 1975.

In the fall of 1975, three Sisters of the Holy Family of New Orleans replaced the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange in staffing the school.  The school population again began to increase and classrooms were added.  The school grew to an enrollment above 600.

In the late 90’s the Sisters of the Holy Family of New Orleans retired and the administration was handed over to a lay personnel.  The school has had many challenges over the last two decades.  However, now with the combined efforts of the pastor, administration, faculty and parents the school is once again growing.  The 2014-2015 school year promises to be a strong year with an enrollment above 300 students.


601 East Palmer Street


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